I have recently discovered that the search engine YAHOO apparently is sending some visitors to this page of the jesusistheanswer.cc web site instead of the first, title or index page. While the production of Albany post cards was a historic part of my life in the 1970's and 1980's, it is not the main purpose of the web site. Since the 1980's, I have discovered the love of Jesus Christ and want to help others in finding His love - hopefully at least partly through the information given in other areas of this web site. If you are questioning your need for Jesus, or have questions about the name of this site, I would encourage you to go to the main page and check out any link that doesn't refer to the section "personal" which is where you are now. If you want to see the Albany post cards that I produced in the 1970's and 1980's with links to printing and historical details, you have reached the correct page, and you should just scroll down for the information that you were looking for. Thanks! From 1973 through 1986, I produced and distributed quite a few post cards of the Albany, New York area using the name Avis Post Card Co. I thought that some of you may be interested in seeing what they looked like, and shown are more statistics than you may have ever wanted! Apparently my scanner is showing moiré and I don't know if it will show on these illustrations. Below is a thumbnail of each post card. To see a larger photo, click on the thumbnail (like most other pictures on this web site); however, it could take a while to download the photos as they are large. For additional information about the illustrated card, click on its name. All of these cards are currently available for sale on my eBay store. You may look at the store by following this link: http://stores.ebay.com/Avis-Collectibles
Post Card #401x Empire State Plaza - Agency Buildings, printed in reverse by error. Post Card #401 Empire State Plaza - Agency Buildings.
Post Card #402 Empire State Plaza - Tower Building showing construction. Post Card #403 Empire State Plaza - view from top of Tower Building during construction. Post Card #404 Empire State Plaza - Sunset View
Post Card #405 Empire State Plaza - 2 view showing the Egg under construction.
Post Card #407 Empire State Plaza - Swan Street Building.
Post Card #408 The State University of New York at Albany.
Post Card #409 Empire State Plaza - Tower Building.
Post Card #410 Empire State Plaza - from top of Tower Building. Post Card #411 New York State Capitol.
Post Card #412 Governor's Mansion
Post Card #413 Moses Fountain in Washington Park
Post Card #414 Albany Medical Center Hospital Post Card #416 Empire State Plaza - Entrance before any road signs were placed!
Post Card #518R Empire State Plaza - Aerial
Post Card #520 Empire State Plaza - "Plaza at Night"
Post Card #521R Greetings from ALBANY, N.Y. Large letter card. Shows an actual photograph of the "Egg" in the lower left corner. Post Card #522 "View from the Tower Building"
Post Card #523 "Entrance to Plaza" - Empire State Plaza
Post Card #525 "Interior Views of the Egg" Empire State Plaza
Post Card #527 Empire State Plaza aerial view from the North. The NYS Capitol is in the foreground. Post Card #528 "Governor's Mansion" on Eagle Street.
Post Card #529 "Greetings from ALBANY, New Post Card #530 Winter Sunset at the Empire State Plaza. A bit out of focus!
Post Card #531 "Greetings from ALBANY, N.Y."
Post Card #533 "State Capitol Albany, N.Y." Close up photo.
Post Card #535 Empire State Plaza centering on three buildings and a nice blue Hudson River in the background.
Post Card #537 "Historic Albany, New York" the
Post Card #539 "Historic Albany, New York" The Albany Trust Building at the corner of Broadway and State Street showing an inset photo of the same building in the 1904 era.