Photos from the North India Gospel Mission:
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Pastor B. Abraham, his wife, Jennifer, and his son, Daniel Jebasingh.
NIGM started in 1987 in the small house of Pastor B. Abraham.
The church increased over time. . .
1992 Church in second house. . .
1993 Church in third house. . .
Worship moved to school in 1994 (photo from Dec. 2004)
Sunday School children increasing to 62 in 2005
Sunday School children's program
Sunday School children's program
Receiving of gifts from Samaritan's Purse in April 2004
Overflow room at Christmas program, 2004
Room where services are held - full to capacity - 2004
Watch night service, December 31, 2004
Special meeting in 2003
People are touched by the presence of God
Outreach - people watching a Christian skit.
Outreach - in the slum (Indira Market) of New Delhi, India
Outreach in Shiva Slum Camp - New Delhi, India
Christian slum school in Shiva Slum Camp run by your support.
Second Christian slum school in Indira Market Slum run by your support.
Outreach - preaching in the Shiva Slum Camp
Lepers were saved through ministry.
Giving communion to the born-again lepers.
Supporting the village pastors in Punjab state of India.
Supporting the Punjab pastor in Amritsar city.
Ministering to the village people in Punjab state.
Serving physical food to village people in Punjab state.
Serving physical food in a different village in Punjab state.
Hindi pastors at meeting in early 2005.
Food and travel allowance is given to Hindi language pastors.
Ordaining local Hindi language pastors by North India Gospel Mission.
Pastor B. Abraham with two NIGM ordained Hindi language pastors.
The van that the Lord gave us after five years of prayer.
Your support is used to take the team on gospel work in the van.
These people received the Gospel as a result of the van ministry.
Deliverance ministry in the mini-prayer tower which is being held in Pastor B.
Abraham house.
December 2005, 12th Anniversary Sunday School Children's program.
December 2005, Christmas gift (dresses) given to 2 Christian Slum school
children by your support.
December 25, 2005, Christmas service. House full. No place to sit, only standing
room. We urgently need our own church building.
December 31, 2005, New Year service with Epson projector.
April 30, 2006 - A part of the NIGM congregation which witnessed the baptism
NIGM Sunday School Children Excursion.
May 3, 2006 - Indira Market Christian Slum School.
Rev. Bradly and sister G. McLeod ministering in the Shiva Camp.
Rev. Bradly and sister G. McLeod ministering in the Sunday Worship meeting.
Amritsar meeting in Punjab.
Punjab meeting - interpreting from English to Hindi - Pastor B. Abraham, and to
Punjabi out Pastor M. M.
Power of God manifested among Hindi speaking pastors meeting of NIGM.
Mrs. Mary and Mrs. P. with Pastor B. Abraham after becoming new believers in
Delhi slum children are hungry for the word of God also.
Ministering to slum children with word of God and prayer.
Power of God touching meeting in the special meetings of Sis. Elizebeth.
Hindi speaking Pastors meeting in August 2007.
Our son Daniel Jebasing preaching at Delhi. He is trained to be a preacher by
your prayers and sacrificial support.
February 2008 meetings with North Indians.
Pastor B. Abraham with Mathew in Mumbai city.
Hindi Pastors Day Seminar
At Tamil Nadu, Tiruchi, informing the need of a church building at New Delhi -
the capital of our India.
Two Hindu hermits taking dip in Indian Ocean at kanyakumari, believing their
sins will be washed away. They need to know only the blood of Jesus Christ can
wash away their sins.
Pastor B. Abraham at Rameshwaram Seashore, with the Indian empty boats, which
says we need people and churches to catch people for Christ.
3 Days monthly fasting prayer at Gurgon. Van was very useful.
More than 250 attended every day for days of meetings in July 2008
Day seminar with G. Srinivasan
November 23, 2008 Sunday School children program.
December 7, 2008 Christmas prizes given to Sunday School children.
December 12-14, 2008 Christmas carol services at the City of New Delhi.
December 31, 2008 New Year Service started on 31st night at 9:30 PM at a small
January 1, 2009 NIGM congregation greeting one another at the beginning of the
New Year 2009
January 1, 2009 Communion service in the first hours of 2009
January 2009 - The church members who joined for 40 days of fasting and prayer.
February 2009 - Our church youth who are jubilant in attending the Youth Seminar
through school bus.
March 2009 - Pastor B. Abraham preaching with Hindi translation to the Siswa
Bazar - village people.
March 2009 - The village uneducated ladies hungry for the word of God in Siswa
Bazar in Utter Pradesh.
March 2009 - A Muslim Tomb where demon possessed people gather for deliverance.
We need a church building that we may minister to the people with problems.
May 2009 - Pastor B. Abraham with baptized people.
June 2009 - Daniel Jebasingh playing keyboard and praying to study in USA.
June 2009 - Anointing service by NIGM and other youth teams.
July 2009 - Doing a prayer walk among the Eunuchs to be saved.
July 2009 - Please pray for Mrs. Latha Anbalgan to be raised from sick bed.
August 2009 - Pastor B. Abraham sharing the needs of the North India church
building fund in Tamil Nadu fasting/prayer meeting at Virudhachalam.
August 2009 - Special meeting conducted by your sacrificial donations.
August 2009 - Hindi speaking Pastors monthly meeting at Nandanagiri in Old
August 2009 - Indian musical instruments used in the meeting by a Lay Leader who
is a medical doctor.
October 2009 - Pastor Abraham with Sunday School teachers in the training.
October 2009 - In the government bus hired for the Youth seminar travel.
October 2009 - Pastor B. Abraham preaching the Word of God in a seminar.
October 2009 - NIGM teachers were trained by Ex - CEF directors.
October 2009 - Mrs. Jennifer Abraham praying for the youth in seminar.
October 2009 - Pastor Daniel Jebasingh praying for the youth in the seminar
- and he is preparing to study in USA.
October 2009 - October meetings people crowded to hear the Word of God.
October 2009 - Hindi Pastors seminar.
October 2009 - NIGM Youth at the top of mountain at Nainitaal, elevation
8,579 ft.
January 2010 - Sunday School competition in December 2009.
January 2010 - Jebamalar in fancy dress as Mother Mary with child Jesus.
January 2010 - 16th Sunday School Children Anniversary. The class room was
small. Many people stood outside and could not enjoy their children's
January 2010 - Three year old girl Jebamalar got bold and said a Bible verse
before the congregation.
January 2010 -> November 2009 meetings in Old Delhi with Dr. Paul Dhinakran.
January 2010 - 20 Hindi Pastors and Lay Leaders received bag as a Christmas gift
with a smile.
January 2010 -> December 6, 2009 Games for children.
January 2010 -> December 6, 2009 Games for children.
January 2010 - These 22 youths are growing in the Lord by your prayer support.
Some are taking Sunday School lessons.
January 2010 -> Christmas 2009 - God gave us a big room this year for Christmas
service and people did not have to stand, but could sit and hear the message.
March 2010 - Daniel Jebasingh and the youth team ministered at the Meerut City
in Uttar Pradesh.
March 2010 - New Preachers at March Hindi Pastors' meeting.
March 2010 - Teaching in the market place by the visiting preacher for one hour.
March 2010 - Please pray for Meena R. in her death bed; for her healing and her
family's salvation.
March 2010 - Bananas are given to Indira Market Slum School by your support.
March 2010 - Bananas are given to our Slum School children by your support.
April 2010 - Majority of our church members are living in this unhygienic slum.
April 2010 - The worship service at a new place with a public address system.
April 2010 - Birthday celebration with the orphanage children.
May 2010 - Prayer before becoming a new believer in Christ.
May 2010 - Pastor B. Abraham with a group of new young believers in Christ.
May 2010 - though it was last Sunday of month, people gathered in good
May 2010 - People witnessing service for new believers in Christ.
June 2010 - Junior Pastor Daniel is sharing the importance of VBS in the
June 2010 - The VBS children who attended our Sunday service; we need big Van
and a driver. . .
June 2010 - Refreshment to VBS children served by NIGM youth from your support.
June 2010 - Children are coloring the Bible characters.
June 2010 - Pastor and Mrs. Abraham celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary,
with son.
June 2010 - Bro. Robert is being ordained as a Pastor by NIGM
July 2010 - The new method to reach Non-Christians
July 2010 - Base guitarist Andrew is involved in our music concert.
July 2010 - The crowd of the music concert, where non-Christians also
July 2010 - Pastor B. Abraham preaching, Messiya translating to Hindi from
July 2010 - Board is getting fixed on this land.
August 2010 - The prayer and fasting team ended their 30th day of fasting on the
church ground.
August 2010 - NIGM youth and earthquake team leading praise and worship in a
Pastors seminar in Delhi.
October 2010 - Pastor Daniel leading a Christian musical event called Claim It
2010 at Tamil Sangam Auditorium.
October 2010 - This church land bought by your prayers and by your sacrificial
financial support.
October 2010 - Pastor B. Abraham starting the church foundation work.
October 2010 - One portion of NIGM congregation at the church foundation laying
function at Dwarka, New Delhi.
October 2010 - Pastor Benjamin Peters from Chennai, South India, preaching in
our congregation.
October 2010 - Wednesdays home Bible study at Shive camp in New Delhi.
October 2010 - Dr. Christu Doss preached to this congregation at Junior -
November 2010 - NIGM Church love feast.
November 2010 - Flooding in Chennai; houses surrounded by water for months.
November 2010 - Children in the Sunday School sports.
November 2010 - We are back to - school because of lack of funds.
December 2010 - NIGM Children Sunday School anniversary.
December 2010 - NIGM Youth (Christmas) carol team having snacks.
December 2010 - NIGM Christmas carols on 17th, 18th and 19th December.
December 2010 - NIGM Youth at Railway Museum picnic.
December 2010 - NIGM Night Watch service on 31st December
December 2010 - NIGM church members praying in 40 days of fasting prayer.
December 2010 - Pastor B. Abraham and NIGM youths at seminar at Chadigarh.