Pastor Abraham's ministry is based in New Delhi. Below you will find some photos and a better description of his ministry. The photos are similar to many others on this site, in that you can click on each photo individually for an enlargement of the view.
has six fingers on his right hand.
Now Rev. B. Abraham is a North India Native Missionary. Meet Rev. Balakrishnan Abraham Born in a high caste Hindu family, he was against Christians and tore up Christian tracts. Through reading Matthew 7:7 he accepted Christ at the age of 17 on January 24, 1972. He was rejected by his family for the decision to follow Christ. After completing Bible College, he served as a Pastor for 10 years in Pondichery, South India. In 1986, he was called to North India to preach the Gospel and founded North India Gospel Mission. The North India Gospel Mission began in New Delhi with one person in 1986, now the Church has grown to nearly 150 people including children.
KNOW ABOUT OUR INDIA India is in the Bible ( Esther 1:1), but the Bible is not in India. The population of India is more than one billion (1,000,000,000). 85% are Hindus worshipping 33,000,000 gods. They worship nature: sun, moon, stars, trees, plants and rivers. Creatures: cows, monkeys, snakes. Spirits i.e.: dead spirits and evil spirits. They do not know our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Every day 50,000 people die and go to hell; not because of their sins, but because the Gospel is not preached and explained to them. How can we preach unless we are sent? (Romans 10:15a) For 200 years, western missionaries came to India and labored for the salvation of the people. But the present situation has closed the doors for western missionaries. This has been the case for a long time (30+ years). Therefore, the soul winning in India rests solely on the shoulders of Indian Christians.
CHURCH GROWTH Started during 1986 in the slum district of Trilogpuri-Delhi; about 5000 Gospel packets (tracts) were distributed door to door. These were distributed to Non-Christians (mostly Hindus). Shifted to the vasant Goan neighborhood in New Delhi-during 1987. Gospel packets and tracts were distributed to more than 10,000 homes. In November of 1987 the first Sunday Worship service was started at Pastor Abraham's one room residence. From 1987 to 1992 only seven people gathered for worship services there. After 21 days of fasting and prayer God began to deliver people from demonic diseases and bondages, then the church began to grow substantially.
On March 1, 1987 boiling water fell on his eight month old son. The child was in critical condition with 18% of his body burned. The Lord gave him a second life and now he is in his first year at a South Indian Bible college. He is 19 years old. (2005) In 1988, Pastor Abraham's wife Jennifer suffered from severe Jaundice. Medicines didn't cure her, but by confessing Jesus and depending on His healing promises from the Holy Scriptures, God not only healed her - but also restored her complete health quickly.
PERSECUTION TO NORTH INDIAN CHURCH In December 1998 churches were burned in the Indian state of Gujarat. In January 1999 the Australian missionary Graham Stain and his two sons were burned alive and Father Aruldos was killed in the Indian state of Orissa by an Anti-Gospel group. Large Gospel evangelistic crusades and seminars in Punjab, and Gujarat was forcefully cancelled. A small evangelistic meeting in Delhi was forcefully stopped and the pastors were beaten and Bibles and literature were burned and a keyboard and public address system were broken in November 1999. After the members of the body of Christ in India prayed for the situation, Orissa had a heavy rain storm and nearly 30,000 people died and many houses and rice paddy fields were destroyed. A lot of animals and people died in the storm. At Christmastime in 1999, there was tension again in Gujarat, but it was calmed down by prayer and by International political pressures.
RESULTS For the first seven years only 7 souls were saved. But after 21 days of fasting and prayer, God multiplied it from 7 to 150. God enabled us to conduct one special gospel meeting each year. Many people have been healed and delivered from various bondages. In 1992, God healed a 3 year old boy, Mohammed, suffering from polio. Mr. Selvaraj who lost his hair and became bald was restored, and had his hair returned to his head. Many who had spinal cord problems and stomach aches have been healed by His touch.
DELIVERANCE MINISTRY Many drunkards stopped drinking after salvation, and are now leading a happy family life and conducting home cell meetings. The mission used to gather in houses, but since the church has been growing; they are now gathering in rented school premises.
CHURCH PLANTING. So far God has miraculously enabled them to plant three churches in Punjab (Indian state) and two in Old Delhi. Church services are also conducted for lepers in The Leprosy Colony for born-again lepers.
TRAINING THE NATIONALS. God helped them to train 20 lay leaders so far through the ministry. They have ordained eight pastors through this ministry so far.
VISION-1 Train Indian National gospel workers. The Lord told Pastor Abraham to train 5,000 National leaders with different language backgrounds to reach their own group of people. Since one person cannot learn all the Indian languages, and preach the gospel to them, Pastor Abraham told God that it's impossible to train 5,000 National leaders, but God said it is possible to train 500 Christian leaders and have each one of them train 10 Leaders and the goal can be fulfilled. VISION-2 Plant churches and witness to non-Christians - especially Hindus residing in the northern parts of India. VISION-3 To establish a Bible school in New Delhi for all the North India States. VISION-4 MULTI PURPOSE CHURCH BUILDING God-given vision to build a Multi-Resource Christian Center in New Delhi with a Children's Home. When Pastor Abraham was praying in 1992 for 21 days for the blessing of this ministry, he was given this vision of what to do. In the beginning he felt it was not for him because he had only seven people in his church. God has since confirmed the vision and has given people to do the manual ministry. His son, Daniel Jebasingh, also accepted the call of God when he was 18 years of age and is now studying in his 1st year at a Bible college in Banglore. North India Gospel Mission needs a church building which will be used for multi-purpose events; i.e. to conduct worship services on Sundays, evening Bible studies, weekly men's prayer meetings, and women's prayer meetings, healing services, teaching new converts and training National Christian leaders to reach their own language groups. Providing home for the homeless children - including Bible Training; job training for unemployed youth - towards leading them to Christ; and a rescue center for rags and newspaper picking children. Also a temporary shelter for those who are thrown out of their family for their new faith in Christ. God willing, they will be providing medical assistance in addition to Biblical preaching, including a 15 minute video presentation on Christ’s suffering for Delhi visitors, where they can pray for their problems 6 days a week. Marriage counseling classes would also be provided for family problems; counseling classes for Alcoholics for their deliverance, and salvation. It would be 24/7 operations center.
WHY WE NEED A SEPARATE BUILDING FOR THESE MINISTRIES (The sanctuary would be just one of many ministries in this structure.) Hindus have temples. Muslims have Mosques. Sikhs have Gurudwarahs. This Christian ministry should also have a separate structure, as the other religions have for their worship centers. A separate structure is a must for the speedy acceptance of the Gospel in India. When they worship in houses or classrooms, Non-Christians are offended. Non-Christians expect a Holy Place to be used exclusively for worship activities. When a house church is used for other family activities, i.e. children soiling the floor, the church does not command the respect of a HOLY place. Hence, the pioneer church planter and the early converts of this ministry suffer an inferiority complex, thus restricting their ability to invite new potential guests to small worship services in homes. Other seekers of Christian salvation also keep away from the house churches, because of their small size. The best solution for this is to start building a church where there will be fellowship and discipleship among other Christians of like faith.
The land and building will cost around $300,000. If 60 people or churches donate $5,000 dollars each (or donate $200. for 25 months) or if 300 people or churches donate $1,000. each (or donate $100. for 10 months) or if 600 people or churches donate $500. each (or donate $50. for 10 months) or if you would like to donate a single smaller amount. . . any amount would be appreciated.
The building project will be completed for operating for the salvation of lost souls in this 10/40 window country. We hope you have been reading this web page, because you have been praying for the salvation of a billion souls in India. You probably are not able to come to India and learn the language, customs, cultures and withstand the local peoples opposition and government opposition for a long time missionary work of winning souls in India, but on your behalf we are doing this already and suffer persecution, accept slanders for Christ and win many for heaven. YOU ARE WELCOME TO CONDUCT DAY SEMINARS, EVENING GOSPEL MEETINGS AND TEACH BIBLE STUDIES FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS IN NEW DELHI. If you are led by the Holy Spirit, you are most welcome to conduct short-term meetings in New Delhi. We are willing to support you in your physical arrangement of the meetings; and spiritual needs.
We need your earnest prayers and financial support to continue this Gospel work. Your are welcome to send a donation/support of any amount, as shown above. Please write checks payable to “North India Gospel Mission” and send them to: Rev. B. Abraham B.Th. M.Min North India Gospel Mission P. Box No: 8844, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057, INDIA The North India Gospel Mission is registered with the Indian government to receive foreign funds. Email: Website:
MONTHLY NEWS If you are interested in receiving a monthly e-mail, please notify Pastor Abraham, and he will place you on his e-mail list. If you have a prayer request, you may also send that to him. Please use the address shown above. Photos of North India Gospel Mission Special News bulletins will be posted below: