Our Great Saviour

J. Wilbur  Chapman 1910 (1859-1918)
composer: Rowland W. Prichard (1811-1887)
arranger: Robert Harkness (1880-1961)

1.    Je-sus! what a Friend for sin-ners! Je-sus! Lov-er of my soul;
    Friends may fail me, foes as-sail me, He, my Saviour, makes me whole.

        Hal-le-lu-jah! what a Sav-iour! Hal-le-lu-jah! what a friend!
        Sav-ing, help-ing, keep-ing, lov-ing, He is with me to the end.

2.    Je-sus! what a strength in weakness! Let me hide my-self in Him;
    Tempt-ed, tried, and sometimes fail-ing, He, my strength, my vict'ry wins.


3.    Je-sus! what a help in sor-row! While the billows o'er me roll,
    Ev-en when my heart is break-ing, He, my com-fort, helps my soul.


4.    Je-sus! what a guide and keep-er! While the tempest still is high,
    Storms a-bout me, night o'er-takes me, He, my pi-lot, hears my cry.


5.    Je-sus! I do now re-ceive Him, More than all in Him I find,
    He hath grant-ed me for-give-ness, I am His, and He is mine.


5a.    Je-sus! I do now a-dore Him, More than all in Him I find;
    He has grant-ed me for-give-ness, I am His, and He is mine.

a from Praise! Our Songs and Hymns, ©1979 Singspiration Music