R E V I V A L I have heard from many people over the years that I have been a Christian, that we need a revival in our country (USA). For many of those years, I have felt that the Lord God was the instigator of any revival of Christian religion. I have had a change of heart about revivals after reading a reprint of Charles Finney's "Revivals of Religion" at the end of 2000. Certainly the Lord God, through the Holy Spirit, is the only way that people can have a change of heart. A revival or crusade or campaign is a means that a large number of people can be informed of God's love and desire for them to know Him personally. Since I live in the Albany, NY area, I felt in 2004 that it was the time (and still is) for a revival - initially in the Albany area, then perhaps in other areas as the Lord leads. As you will see below, the initial planning stages were not successful, however I never give up, and had similar ideas for the city of Chicago, IL when I lived there from 2005-07. If you find this possibility interesting and want to help in any of the formulating stages, please send me an e-mail via the feedback page or by sending an e-mail to: jesusistheanswer777@hotmail.com On March 27, 2004, I sent an
invitation to 50 churches for an organizational meeting on April 29, 2004. Lacking any major interest, I decided on April
5, 2004 to
open this meeting to any interested individuals, so long as they were evangelical Christians. Remembering that the room had a limit of 100 people, I
had hopes that many people could still attend. This link The presentation was given on April 29th, 2004. Twelve people attended. So you can see the presentation that you probably missed, you can see the whole presentation here. This is a very large file with several photos, so be patient, especially if you have a dial-up modem. I am not sure if you will be able to see the associated notes pages with this file or not. One of the results of the April 29, 2004 meeting was a desire by a few of the attendees to have a prayer/discussion meeting at my house on June 10th, 2004. The result seemed to be the same. The first priority should be prayer. As everyone seems to be so busy, it appeared that each person wanted to pray on his/her own. No further meetings of any kind were scheduled. While I have continued to pray for revival, I have never found another single living, breathing person in the Albany area that felt the same. I am convinced that the Lord wants me to continue, but know that I need other support and assistance to do certain things. God has given me the ability to organize the event, but an event of the size that I think He wants requires assistance. Soon after I arrived in Chicago in 2005, I felt that I had a different way to organize a revival campaign in that city. I prepared another PowerPoint for that city, which is linked here. While I knew some people in Albany who had a little interest, I didn't know more than three people in Chicago when I arrived there. Eventually we got to the first modified step, which continues as a Bible Study in Chicago, so that is a cause for hope. In the Spring of 2007, I moved back to Albany, and continue to pray and wonder how the Lord Jesus will use me. If YOU are willing to pray or talk to me or assist in any way, please let me know! The feedback page is linked above. Keep checking this page for changes. In anticipation of these
activities when God leads, I will continue to need plenty of financial and volunteer help. If you
would like to donate toward this cause, you may do this by using a PayPal
donation at this link => Saturday, July 25, 2015 |