What would I do with your donation?

    Any offers that I make on this web site will be used to further this ministry. When I ask for a "suggested donation" or set a price for any item on this site the money will be used to either pay for more bookmarks, or for the expenses of traveling to locations where I may distribute the bookmarks. God willing, I will be asked to travel to more places and will need money to travel.

The first ministry that I had was Testimony Newsletter. I placed all funds received in a separate bank account, and used some of that money to produce the first batch of bookmarks. While this ministry is not an IRS non-profit corporation, I do have all of the records to show all income and expenses for the ministry since 1993. If you are interested in receiving a statement of how the money was spent during this time, just let me know, as I have nothing to hide.

The financial status of this ministry is available upon request. I have entered all of the data since Jan. 1, 2003. If you would like to see this information, send me an e-mail at jesusistheanswer777@hotmail.com


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