Northfield Mount Hermon Schools
Below are several photos that I took at the Northfield Mount Hermon Schools
during my many visits. Most of these are from the Northfield side of the river,
which is now empty and being offered for sale by the school. Click on the
photo for a larger picture.
Map of western Massachusetts with location marked.
D. L. Moody preaching at Round Top, from an old post card.
Map of the Northfield side of the NMH campus.
Birthplace of Dwight Lyman Moody in 1837.
Recent photo of birthplace - 2005.
Exterior of 1894 Auditorium - taken in 1993
Exterior of 1894 Auditorium - location of later conferences.
Exterior of Auditorium - taken October 2007
Interior of Auditorium. Seating
Interior of Auditorium. Stage
Sacred Concert held in Auditorium by students, 2001
Moore Cottage, Guest House, 2003
View toward Round Top
Students going to class, 1988
Merrill-Keep Hall, October 2007
Sanda Countway Hall, October 2007
Stone Hall
East Hall
Gould Hall, 2005
Billings Hall
Sage Chapel, 2000
Exterior of Sage Chapel, December 1993
Interior of Sage Chapel, rear
Interior of Sage Chapel, December 1993
Evelyn Hall Memorial stone
Bolger Arts Center
Dolben Library from pond side
Pond next to Library
Pond near Dolben Library, October 2007
Solomon's Temple in Library - model given to DL Moody in 18841
Solomon's Temple in Library - model given to DL Moody in 18841
Sign at D. L. Moody homestead, October 2007
Homestead of Dwight L. Moody
Bedroom of Dwight L. Moody, from where he passed to Heaven, December 22, 1899.
The Dollhouse, probably the least photographed building on the campus? Do you
know it's story?
Some photos on wall in D. L. Moody Museum located in the birthplace.
Painting of Birthplace in D. L. Moody Museum
Chapel from distance.
Larger photo (two pieces put together) of Chapel. D. L. Moody preached here in
Interior of Chapel
Memorial plaque in Chapel to those who gave their lives in the mission field.
Blake Student Center? Taken in June 1994
Looking toward Alumni (Dining) Hall, October 2007
I can't determine the name of this building, if you can, please send me a
e-mail; October 2007
The pond near the main entrance to the campus. October 2007
Camp Northfield was founded by DL Moody in 18951.
It is next to the Northfield campus, but is not affiliated with the school at
present. When I went there, it was
run by the Independent Baptist churches of New England.
Camp Northfield Chapel
"All about Northfield" A. P. Fitt, Pages 64 and 80.