O, How I Love Jesus

Frederick Whitfield
arranged by John W. Peterson

1.    There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth;
    It sounds like mu-sic in mine ear, The sweet-est name on earth.

        O how I love Je-sus, O how I love Je-sus,
        O how I love Je-sus— Be-cause He first loved me!

2.    It tells me of a Sav-ior's love, Who died to set me free;
    It tells me of His pre-cious blood, The sin-ner's per-fect plea.


3.    It tells me what my Fa-ther hath In store for ev-'ry day,
    And, tho I tread a dark-some path, Yields sun-shine all the way.


4.    It tells of One whose lov-ing heart Can feel my deep-est woe,
    Who in each sor-row bears a part That none can bear be-low.