BICENTENNIAL POST CARD #2 1 9 7 6 Hi! Thank you for ordering one of my newest postcards. This second Bicentennial post card is very simple, but hopefully will get the message across. The idea for this 1976 All-Occasion greeting card came from the old-time New Years' date cards. I have added the U.S. 50 star flag as a background to this year card. While the design of this card is not as intricate as "Independence Hall" I feel that the price should make up for the inequities. Have you ever been really happy with cards in card shops? Did they express your true feelings? This card costs the price of a good greeting card and the postage advantage is a fantastic 30% (4¢ cheaper than the 13¢ letter rate). The front of 1976 is completely blank. Write your message "Happy New Year, Happy 4th of July, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary or Merry Christmas" on the front of the card, then write you own personal message on the correspondence side of the post card. As you know the retail price of this card is $1.00. If you are interested in a larger supply for your year round needs, just write and ask for the wholesale price. Dealers are also invited to ask for these special prices for quantities of 25 or more "1976" postcards. Thank you for your response to card #1! I am anticipating making more intricate and patriotic postcards during the Bicentennial Era. No more than 3000 of this 1976 card shall be produced.