Below is an exact reproduction of the descriptive letter that was mailed with the Independence Hall HTL in 1975-76: BICENTENNIAL POST CARD Hi! Thank you for ordering one of my "Bicentennial Post Cards". Before you are disappointed, let me explain: I have produced these cards myself, on my own printing press. The cost of having these cards made commercially would be at least triple my retail price, I'm sure. Each card has gone through the printing press 9 times in the following order: #1 Black and Gray sketch, #2 Dark and Light Green trees and dome, #3 Red roofs, #4 Brown bricks, #5 Dark and Light Blue sky. On the back card: #6 Black description, #7 Yellow color bar, and #8 Blue color bars. Finally #9, all the holes had to be cut from the front card. After the printing we had to glue each card together with a special glue and then try to press each one flat. Since each card has gone through so many processes, you can easily see where something could have "misregistered". I hope you will feel it is worth the small price. NOW FOR YOU! I need your help to sell these cards. Why not take the card you just bought and show your friends and relatives. Yes, you can make money on my Bicentennial project at wholesale prices: 1 - 3 $1.25 each For instance on a small order of just 11 cards, you can make $1.65 by selling them at $1.25 each. I never tell anyone what to sell my cards for. That is entirely up to you. If I don't receive another order from you, please have a great "Bicentennial Era"! P. S. More different Bicentennial Post Cards may be produced if there is demand. Printing of this Independence Hall Hold-to-Light card shall cease on the number 3,000. If you want final printing statistics, please send a SASE after July 4, 1976. |